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We are happy to announce that 124 start-ups from 30 different countries are going to participate at the Start.up! Germany Tour 2020!

The whole reviews of our webinars 1 to 9 of our pre-program " Access to Germany" are now online and can be rewatched.

Click on the link to see the whole webinar series:

For more information about our corporates that are going to participate, click on the button to see the whole list!

Get a quick introduction about what you can expect from the Start.up! Germany Tour 2020.

For anyone who missed our fifth webinar 05 "OOPORTUNITIES THROUGH AND AFTER CORONA CRISIS", here you can watch it re-live in full-length!

Our fifth webinar set place on Tuesday, September 29, 2020 and was hosted by NRW.Invest.

The "Access to Germany" - webinars are part of the pre-program of the Start.up! Germany Tour 2020. Click on the link to get an overview over our other webinars:

For anyone who missed our fourth webinar 04 "DEALING WITH GERMANS", here you can watch it re-live in full-length!

Our fourth webinar set place on Monday, September 23, 2020 and was hosted by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Düsseldorf.

The "Access to Germany" - webinars are part of the pre-program of the Start.up! Germany Tour 2020. Click on the link to get an overview over our other webinars:

For anyone who missed our third webinar 03 "THE LEGAL FRAMEWORK IN GERMANY", here you can watch it re-live in full-length!

Our third webinar set place on Monday, September 14, 2020 and was hosted by NRW.Invest.

The "Access to Germany" - webinars are part of the pre-program of the Start.up! Germany Tour 2020. Click on the link to get an overview over our other webinars:

For anyone who missed our second webinar 02 "NRW: GERMANY'S INDUSTRIAL HEARTLAND", here you can watch it re-live in full-length!

Our second webinar set place on Friday, September 11, 2020 and was hosted by NRW.Invest.

The "Access to Germany" - webinars are part of the pre-program of the Start.up! Germany Tour 2020. Click on the link to get an overview over our other webinars:

For anyone who missed our first webinar 01 "STARTUP ECOSYSTEM NRW: Key Players and Possible Links", here you can watch it re-live in full-length!

Our first webinar set place on Thursday, September 10, 2020 and was hosted by NRW.Invest.

The "Access to Germany" - webinars are part of the pre-program of the Start.up! Germany Tour 2020. Click on the link to get an overview over our other webinars:

Don't miss Startup Week Düsseldorf September 11-18 2020
One week. 120 events. And as many ideas, innovations, contacts and knowledge that you can take away with you. What are you waiting for? We are getting ready to turbo-charge your company and are bringing people together who are looking for change – who are looking for the companies, services and products of the future. At the Startup Week Düsseldorf, visionaries get to meet corporates, lone fighters encounter strong teams, company founders meet up with business angels and beginners with experts. Come and get a direct insight into the Düsseldorf startup scene, find out why trends will continue to come from Düsseldorf in the future, and take advantage of the opportunity to learn so much that you will be able to focus entirely on your startup or setting up your company until the end of the year. Due to COVID-19, many of the events are hybrid (in-person + live-stream) or even purely virtual.

Some Highlight Events:
Polish Smartups with AHK Poland
Startup Nation to Mittelstand Demo Day- Israel
Dutch Smartups
Meet the Startup Accelerators in NRW