This year, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalization and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia is one of our main partners of the Start.up! Germany Tour 2021. We are happy to share with you a warm welcome and greetings from our Minister of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalization and Energy of the State North Rhine-Westphalia Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart.
"Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Entrepreneurs all around the world. Entrepreneurship is of high relevance on a global scale. Innovations can emerge around the world and entrepreneurs may use global markets to sell their products or offer their services.
With the Start.up! Germany Tour we want to provide visibility and financial support to promising international new business endeavors. We offer price money worth of 15.000 Euros in total to the top three startups of this tour.
Together with the network of the national and international chambers of commerce as well as NRW.GLOBAL Business as main partner and Germany Trade and Invest, we are jointly organizing this year’s Start.up! Germany Tour. This format has been successful since 2017. Last year more than 120 startups from 30 countries participated in our virtual Start.up! Germany Tour.
Today is the kickoff of this years tour with many exciting followup events to come, such as the ruhrSUMMIT in June or the Digital Demo Day in September. We are proud that participants of close to 40 countries worldwide will be pitching their ideas in the following weeks. We look forward to inviting the top 15 startups to Germany to show you our entrepreneurial ecosystem and connect you with our key players. Here in the state of North-Rhine-Westphalia, we have a highly supportive entrepreneurial ecosystem with numerous stakeholders who coach emerging startups, such as our five digihubs or our 75 STARTERCENTER NRW.
Also we offer new enterprises, who are selecting our state as main location for their business activities, a welcoming package of up to 3.000 Euros. We want to encourage you to join our Start.up! Germany Tour, pitch your ideas and grow your businesses on an international scale.
A warm welcome, here in North-Rhine-Westphalia."